Thursday, October 16, 2008

Geo Targeting For Lawyers

Is it more valuable for you to go after general keywords like "Lawyer", "Personal Injury Lawyer" or "Car Accident Lawyer" or is it more valuable to GEO target keywords like "Chicago Injury Lawyer" or "Mesothelioma Lawyer in Pennsylvania"?

You don't want to just rank for general terms like "Lawyer" or "Divorce Law". Yea you'll get a lot of traffic but it won't be quality traffic. When people are searching for a lawyer via the internet they are usually looking for someone who practices in the general area of where they live. What good is finding a great California Injury Lawyer if you live all the way on the east coast.

Say I live in Philadelphia and I need to find an employment lawyer because I feel my job violated my rights some how. I'm going to search Google or Yahoo with a phrase like "Philadelphia Employment Lawyer" or I might want to search statewide and use a phrase like "Employment Lawyer in Pennsylvania". I'm not just going to type in "Employment Lawyer" or "Employment Law" because I want to find a lawyer that lives near me.

If you want to get more quality leads Geo targeting is key.

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